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Christian Fitness and Wellness

A Biblically Sound Approach to Living Life to the Fullest

Welcome to Christian Fitness and Wellness! Our mission is to inspire others to find salvation in Christ, to live unapologetically in truth and to make life count.

Core Values:

1. Jesus Christ is the ONLY means of salvation for all. 

2. The Bible is the inspired, inerrant and infallible Word of God.

3. All followers of Christ are to be part of and subject to a healthy, well-balanced church.

4. Jesus Christ died on the cross to atone for the sins of humanity, was buried , rose again and will return one day to judge all.

5. All Christians are to use their God-given gifts and resources to be a witness to a lost world and make an impact for Christ.

6. All persons are created in the image of God and deserve dignity and respect. 

7. Abortion is murder and an offense to God. 

8. Marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman for life. Any deviancy from this is sin and to be rejected in it's totality, including homosexuality, divorce and remarriage, sex outside of marriage, adultery, etc.

9.  Leftist, postmodern streams of thought are antithetical to the Christian faith and are to be categorically rejected. This includes social justice, intersectionality, critical race theory, feminism, etc.

10. Fidelity to the maxim of unity in essentials, liberty in non-essentials and charity in all things.

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Make Your Life Count!

Far too many people are just "putting in time" on this earth. No goals. No ambition. Just taking life one day at a time and rolling with...

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